What to do if a bomb is suspected or found:

Nobody should touch or move a suspected IED. The person finding a suspected device should alert the local security services and JBC management/Security dept/ HSE/ base coordinator. They in turn will support the situation accordingly.

If within your residence or at work, all personnel should make their way to the bomb threat Assembly Area. Ensure you know where this location is?

Dealing with telephone threats:

If while at home, or at work are subjected to a telephone threat, or staff at the office receives a telephone threat, the building should be evacuated but, the guard force/security should make a quick search of the office before he leaves. The police and building security / management should be informed.  If repeated hoaxes are received, the security guard, supportive ERT members of staff (Security Manager/HSE/HR) should carry out a quick search of the office and landing and, if no device is found, evacuation may not be necessary. However, the police should always be informed.

Minimising the threat:

The threat can be minimised in the following ways:

Bomb threat drills should be rehearsed in talk-through rehearsals and periodical surprise exercises. The guards should be included in any training.

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