Media Security Solutions, UK and Overseas International
The Director for Chartsec (Chartered Security Services Ltd) holds a very extensive background, in providing media security services. Having completed 14 years service in the British Army and serving as a Tier One Special Forces Operative SAS.
a very extensive background
The Director furthered his career teaching the UAE Special Forces for x7 years. This was followed by the full-time employment to a senior and pioneering Hostile Environment Training company for a four year period, teaching Hostile Environment Awareness and the provision of in theatre security support and advise to key international media companies, CNN, Fox News, Sky and other media outlets.
This unique opportunity and responsibility provided the means to conduct the physical security, administration and logistical technical support to a senior CNN correspondent & his crew, who all travelled as part of a x6 man x2 vehicle team into Iraq during Gulf War-2 from Kuwait into Basra, then finally onto Baghdad. Their assigned task was to report, at first hand, “Live” the unfolding war situation as it happened, following its progression to its final conclusion.

Furthermore, the Director for Chartsec Services Ltd helped establish the central media office in Baghdad for both CNN and Fox News. Working in Iraq over a 4year period after the war, gathering and reporting the unfolding geographical events and situations. Additional media security assignments included, both Afghanistan and Israel.
The company directors work experiences and career progression, saw him apply his skillset into the oil and gas industry, serving in assignments in various countries as the company representative, contracted to senior security management positions. Countries employed included, Yemen, Kuwait, Nigeria, Jordan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The above senior management posts, combined experiences and training has allowed the Director for Chartsec Services Ltd to provide media clients with the best possible bespoke security solutions for their respective media assignments, both within the UK and overseas with regards to conflict areas, Incorporating the basic fundamentals of, professionally hired and trained security consultants, combined with planning and administration support.
Chartsec Services Ltd Provides:
- Renowned hired and trusted mature security professionals.
- Industry recognised individual security qualifications.
- Company/individual In theatre experience.
- Ex serving military and police security professionals.
- Provide solid security threat assessments with the help of the client.
- Provide professional security journey management solutions with their partnered companies and contacts in respective hostile regions.
- Provide security intelligence information and daily reports.
- Individual and vehicle tracking solutions via shared partners.
- Offer designed bespoke training solutions, with regards to Hostile Environment Awareness and First Aid content, to include any other criteria.

Chartsec Services Ltd Core Values:
Whether in the UK or operating overseas in hostile regions, the company operates and respects the client’s wishes, undertaking to provide:
- Client confidentiality.
- Promote a team working relationship.
- Best cost-effective solutions, without mitigating security requirements.
- Discrete security protection, based upon the threat environment and exposure.
- Collective management engagement, collaboration with regards to media assignments and security strategy solutions.