At the hotel:
- When registering, do not give a home address or an exact job title or position within the company.
- Avoid ground floor rooms or those to which access is easily gained from outside.
- Keep luggage in sight at all times when checking in.
- Place all valuables in the hotel safe deposit box as soon as possible, preferably when checking in.
- Lock the door of the hotel room when leaving, even if it is for a short period of time, and keep the door locked when in the room.
- Lock luggage when not in use and store in a cupboard.
- If the hotel uses conventional keys rather than computerised plastic, be sure to give it directly to the desk clerk when leaving the hotel for meetings; do not simply leave it on the counter.
- Notify the manager immediately of any unusual occurrences, such as persons loitering in the corridor, repeated phone calls from persons who do not identify themselves, knocking on your door by persons unknown to you or finding no one at the door when you answer it.
- Never allow persons into the room with unsolicited deliveries.
- When socialising, do not reveal the hotel name or room number to strangers.
- Never discuss specific plans for a day away etc in public.
During business trip:
- Confirm arrival at the destination with your office and call in at regular intervals.
- Do not carry large sums of money in your wallet; carry just enough to satisfy an opportunist robber and keep the rest in a separate pocket.
- Never resist a mugger.
- When travelling in taxis or cars, always lock the door and close the window.
- Always carry telephone numbers of the police, the hotel and the nearest embassy, a street map, and the appropriate coins or tokens to operate public telephones.
- Do not carry all credit cards, traveller’s cheques and money with you, divide them up and make sure you have the phone numbers needed to cancel credit cards or travellers cheques if necessary.
- Report any incident to the police to support insurance claims.