A highly skilled ex-Military, Physical and Technical Security Consultant/Advisor with 20+ years of experience in Civilian Security and Infrastructure, includes managing complex multifaceted physical and technical security projects.
A proactive and determined Security Advisor/Manager; expert in, competently and strategically leading crisis and security solutions for global companies and government bodies in demanding multi-tasking and challenging high-threat/risk environments throughout the Middle East, Asia, West and East Africa and Eastern Europe.
Promotes excellent technical skills, displaying in-depth knowledge of a wide range of security system technologies and integrated solutions. Capable of analyzing and assessing problems, implementing sustainable solutions quickly.
Due to proactive management and leadership skills combined with analytical, problem-solving, organised planning skills and a tactical and calculated approach, achieves all milestones, targets and objectives on time.
An excellent communicator who quickly builds a rapport with others. Strong written and oral communications skills, authoring technical reports, policies and other documents professionally.
Manchester Office:
31 Wilmslow Road,
Dubai Office:
YPR/Chartsec Services Ltd Dubai
Thuraya Telecommunications Tower,
Barsha Heights
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