Hostile Training

To train and teach the student / client within the full spectrum of the course block – detailed syllabus, to understand the mechanics of environmental high-risk situational awareness concerning their given specific environment. Understand the possible SPECIFIC threats and RISKS to ensure ones safety.


  •  Course title: Hostile Envoirnment Training
  •  Qualification: Chartsec Services Ltd Tbc ——
  •  Course duration: Tbc days
  •  Teaching periods per day: 8
  •  Length of teaching period: 60 minutes

Block Syllabus


  • Individual Security Awareness
  • Guidance on Personal Security at Home
  • Basic Travel Tips
  • Security Measures for Drivers
  • Vehicle Searching
  • Vehicle Checkpoint Guidelines
  • Weapons Effects and Small Arms Recognition
  • Heavy Weapons
  • Military and Media Relationship
  • Self Sufficiency
  • Public Disorder and Riots
  • Planning
  • Controlling Confrontation
  • Armed Attack
  • Bomb Threat
  • VBIED Car-Vehicle
  • Parcel and Letter Bomb
  • Suicide Bomber
  • Basic Surveillance awareness
  • Methods of Gathering Security Intel
  • Hostage Situation
  • Terrorist Groups & Incidents
  • Terrorist facts and info
  • France Terrorist Incident


Detailed Syllabus:


Individual Security Awareness 



  1. introduction
  2.  security attitudes
  3.  personal security
  4.  office and residential security
  5.  safeguarding children
  6.  reactions to a hostile crowd
  7.  telephone safety
  8.  handling threatening calls
  9.  mail handling procedures
  10.  emergency preparedness
  11.  perceived threats
  12. terrorism emergency numbers


 Guidance on Personal Security at Home 




  1.  Introduction
  2.  Key to successful protection
  3.  Anonymity:
  4.  Doors and Windows:
  5.  Garden, Garage and Outbuildings:
  6.  Lighting:
  7.  Telephone
  8.  Visitors, House Staff and Tradesmen:
  9.  Mail:
  10.  Alarms and Residential Safe Room-Safe deposit boxes
  11.  Private Social Activities:
  12. Personal Security of Children:
  13. Absence:


Basic Travel Tips




  1.  Planning a trip:
  2.  Travelling on business:
  3.  Travelling by air:
  4.  When travelling by road:
  5.  Travelling by foot:
  6.  Arriving at your destination:
  7.  At the hotel:
  8.  During business trip:
  9.  At host office:
  10.  At host airport:
  11.  In summary:


Security Measures for Drivers




  1.  The threat:
  2.  Types of attack:
  3.  System of driving and counter measure prevention:
  4.  Personal security: (passengers, vehicle security)
  5.  Vehicle search: (checking vehicle, actions on suspicion)
  6.  Route selection and planning. The principle route selection:
  7.  Potential danger areas:
  8.  Preventive measures:
  9.  Following vehicle:
  10.  Evasive action and evasive driving:
  11.  In summary:


Vehicle Searching 




  1.  Introduction:
  2.  Types of search:
  3.  What are you searching for?
  4.  Equipment:
  5.  System:
  6.  Quick:
  7.  Full deliberate search:
  8.  Summary:


Vehicle Checkpoint Guidelines 




  1.  Introduction:
  2.  Vehicle checkpoint (vcp) requirements and types.
  3.  Vip synopsis
  4.  Threat
  5.  Actions on encountering a vcp
  6.  Documentation
  7.  Conclusion


Weapons Effects and Small Arms Recognition




Aim: To Discuss Weapons Effects and Small Arms recognition


To understand the important influencing factors relating to the accurate firing of weapon systems, both small arms, pistols and assault weapons.

  • Appreciate the manufacturing tolerances
  • Appreciate effects of the elements
  • Appreciate the individuals controlling influences


Heavy Weapons 




Aim: To Discuss the various types of heavy weapons and air support assets the modern infantryman has at his disposal, their employment and effects


To obtain a understanding of the various infantry support weapons, how they are deployed and concepts of firing. Discuss the following systems:


  • Mortars and Artillery
  • Multi Launch Rocket System MLRS:
  •  Tanks
  •  Aircraft, fixed winged and rotary


Military and Media Relationship




Aim: To discuss the protracted relationship the military and media have.


To discuss:


  • The advantages and disadvantages of media embeds
  •  Importance of picking your unit
  •  Guerrilla Organisations values and motivations
  •  Importance of Helicopter Pilots and Ex-Pats


Self Sufficiency




Aim: To discuss the importance of Self Sufficiency


To discuss:


  • Discuss where things have gone wrong
  •  Preparation
  •  Considerations regarding Emergency procedures
  •  Equipment considerations
  •  Actions in emergency situations


Public Disorder and Riots


Aim: To discuss Public disorder and situation awareness


To discuss:


  •  Demonstrations
  •  Organised Violence
  •  Security Forces Tactics
  •  Your Preparation
  •  Danger Areas and Positions
  •  Riot Situation




Aim: To discuss the importance of Planning correctly


To discuss:


  • Planning
  •  Preparation
  •  Research
  •  Essential Equipment
  •  Contingency Planning
  •  Emergency Procedures
  •  Collapse /Sources of assistance
  •  On arrival
  •  Prior to assignment
  •  Remember the basic principles


Controlling Confrontation


Aim: To discuss the importance of controlling Confrontation


To discuss:


  •  Controlling confrontation
  •  If you are confronted by an assailant
  •  Minimum aggression maximum forces
  •  Momentum
  •  Never grabble or go to ground
  •  Extraction
  •  Principles of self Defence


Armed Attack


Aim: To discuss and advise on the immediate actions to be carried out by company security guards and employees in the event of an armed attack


Discuss preparatory measures that can be taken to limit the possibility or success of a stand-off attack plus reduce casualties in the event of an armed attack

Discuss what is meant by Cover from Fire & Cover from view

Discuss the immediate actions for:
– Drive-by or Stand-off shooting
– Mortar or rocket attack
– Direct attack by armed gunmen-Grenade-IEDs


Bomb Threat


Aim: To Discuss Bomb Threats




  •  Know the types of explosives. Understand the composition for the making of a bomb
  •  Explain the different types of bombs (IEDs) and their delivery
  •  To provide the individual with the supportive knowledge, information and practical experience for dealing with a possible real live Bomb Threat
  •  Application of some fundamental Actions-on Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for dealing with a given bomb type incident
    Provide security information actions-on and capabilities to combat bomb incidents


VBIED Car-Vehicle


AIM: To discuss Car & Vehicles VBIEDs




  •  Explain what is meant by VBIED
  •  Cover IED recognition and types
  •  Vehicle indicators
  •  VBIED threat mitigation
  •  Immediate actions upon detection of a suspect VBIED


Parcel and Letter Bomb


Aim: To Discuss Parcel & Letter Bombs




  • Explain the methodology behind Parcel and Letter Bombs
  •  To provide the individual with the knowledge to identify/
  •  intercept suspect parcel and letter bombs
  •  Discuss the application of some fundamental Actions-on
  •  Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for dealing with Parcel or Letter Bomb type incident


Suicide Bomber


AIM: Discuss Suicide Bomber




  •  To look at some case history
  •  To explain what is a suicide bomber/attacker is
  •  To explain some of the types of suicide attacks
  •  To look into how a suicide device works


Surveillance awareness


Aim of this lesson:
Is to provide you with a basic understanding and knowledge of vehicle surveillance



• To explain the common Indicators concerning surveillance
• Provide you with some basic ACTIONS-ON to confirm and avoid continued surveillance


Methods of Gathering Security Intel




  1.  Introduction: Methods of Intelligence Gathering Information:
  2.  Open-Source Intelligence – OSINT
  3.  Human Intelligence – HUMINT
  4.  Signal Intelligence – SIGINT
  5.  Image Intelligence – IMINT
  6.  Intelligence Cycle:
  7.  Summary:


Hostage Situation




  1.  General
  2.  Prevention procedures:
  3.  Surveillance awareness:
  4.  Surveillance point of capture:
  5.  Moment of capture:
  6.  Resist or submit?
  7.  Blindfolds, gags and drugs:
  8.  During captivity stay alert:
  9.  Living conditions:
  10.  Fear:
  11.  Time and boredom:
  12.  Illness:
  13.  Rapport during captivity:
  14.  Rescues or release:
  15.  During the rescue:
  16.  Survival as a hostage (do’s and don’ts).
  17.  Understand what is called the stockholm syndrome.


Terrorist Groups & Incidents


Aim: To review terrorism and major incident timelines 2016-2001


Objectives: To have an understanding of the various groups their origins and locations. Review, highlight past incidents between 2016-01


To discuss:


  • Terrorist Overview
  • Key Terrorist Groups globally
  • Timeline Terrorist Incidents: 2016 / 2001
  • Conflict Overview timeline


Terrorist facts and info


Aim: Terrorism overview continued and major incident timelines 2016-2001

Objectives: To have a greater understanding of the terrorist impact between 2016-01


To discuss:


  •  Linked web-sites useful information
  •  Terrorist overview continued
  •  Death and statistics
  •  Locations of on-going conflicts
  •  Timeline Key Terror Attacks globally 2015-01
  •  Conflict Overview timeline


France Terrorist Incident


Timeline of the Paris incident

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