Basic sniper operators course

Course training statement: “To train officers and soldiers within the full spectrum of snipers skills & knowledge in order to be employed within a sniper role at battalion level and be ready for immediate deployment on operations”


Course description: “The basic sniper operators course introduces the student to the seven (7) main sniper skills in conjunction with learning the roles, responsibilities & tactical deployment of snipers. It improves his tactical skills from a basic too advance level of expertize enabling the operator to manouvre around the battlespace without compromise. The student will be able to find & fix the enemy location, trasnmit real-time intelligence to higher formation and delivery precsion small arms fire from close to long ranges onto pre-selected high value targets”

Course title: Basic sniper operators course
Qualification: Sniper operator
Course duration: 8 weeks
Teaching periods per day: 8
Length of teaching period: 40 minutes


Course entry standards& screening process:


  • Basic military knowledge test
  •  Basic navigation test
  • Basic pt run test
  • Physical examination
  • Pre-course interview
  • 10 klm endurance march 10 kg + fluids& weapon


Block syllabus


  1. Introduction to sniping
  2. The definition of a sniper
  3. The roles & responsibilities of a sniper
  4. The snipers kit & equipment& packing
  5. The history of sniping
  6. Types of & construction of a ghillie suit
  7. Camouflage & concealment
  8. Camoufalge of a weapon system and associate tactical equipment
  9. Stalking
  10. The stalk combat estimation process
  11. Range estimation – basic methods & techniques
  12. Range estimation – employment of scope reticles
  13. The sniper detailed range card
  14. Observation methods & techniques
  15. Panoramic field sketching
  16.  Logging & reporting
  17. Use of brevity codes
  18. Weapon functionality including:


  • Introduction, named parts, characteristics, stripping & assembly, normal safety precautions and maintenance weapons & munitions
  • Load, unload, make-safe
  • Immediate action drills & stoppages
  • Fitting the sniper rifle
  • Holding, aiming & firing
  • Internal mechanism


19. The rifle scope
20. The spotting scope
21. Introduction to sniper associate tactical optical instruments
22. The reticle
23. The minute of angle, milradian & mil
24. Internal ballistics
25. External & terminal ballistics
26. Different types of sniper munitions
27. Advance application of fire
28. Employment of sniper rifle elevation tables & prediction
29. Basic shooting positions
30. Advance tactical field shooting positions
31. Trajectory of a cartridge
32. Bore sighting, grouping and zeroing & slip scale procedures
33. Close to medium range engagement (50 – 500 metres)
34. Long range engagement (600 – 1000 metres)
35. Low-light & night shooting
36. Night image intensifiers & thermal imagers
37. Sniper fire plans & sniper co-ordinated volley fire
38. Moving targets
39. Inclined target shooting
40. Memory retention – methods & techniques
41. Sniper movement
42. Sniper mission protocol & battle procedure
43. Sniper patrol orders
44. Post task sniper patrol report writing
45. Tactical sniper briefs
46. Tactical deployment (offensive & defensive operations)
47. Tactical deployment (enabling & transitional operations)
48. Tactical deployment (operations other than war)
49. Tactical deployment (urban operations)
50. Combat profiling
51. Introduction to sniper surveillance ops
52. Sniper hides
53. Wind & environmentals
54. The wind clock & fresh wind table
55. Mirage
56. The weather station
57. Shooting data books & the cold shot log
58. Shooting fundamentals & techniques
59. The sniper stand-off precision attack (the ambush)
60. Basic navigation

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