Counter sniper course

Course training statement: “To provide sniper trained officers & soldiers with the knowledge and skills to conduct counter sniper operations during times of peace & conflict within urban & rural environments”


Course description: “The course teaches students the methods & techniques required to conduct counter sniper operations. It takes the trained sniper through a (step by step process) how to identify a real-time sniper threat, plan & conduct counter sniper operations and how to implement effective counter-measures”


Course title: Counter sniper course
Qualification: Counter sniper
Course duration: 3 weeks
Teaching periods per day: 8
Length of teaching period: 40 minutes
Practical field exercises: Yes

Course entry standards


Rank: Qualified basic sniper (officers & soldiers)

Basic fitness test: 3.2 klm run

Endurance march: 16 klms with 15kg + weapon & fluids
Medical: Fit to attend arduous training


Block syllabus – outline


1. Introduction to counter sniping and its effects on operations in the middle east campaigns
2. The sniper team – 2/3 man teams roles and responsibilities – inclusive counter sniping
3. The sniper team kit and equipment (mission specific) demonstration
4. Counter sniping within an urban environment – tactics, techniques and procedures
5. Counter sniping within an arid environment – tactics, techniques and procedures
6. Sniper pairs communication drills sniper number (1) and sniper number (2) – observer
7. Making manual improvised sniper deception devices
8. Global sniper locating systems and available technology
9. Counter sniper observation techniques
10. The sniper estimate – stalk (individual & pairs)
11. Camouflage and concealment – pairs
12. The sniper survey and employment of counter sniper assault teams (cat) – urban
13. Counter sniper threat assessment – report construction
14. Counter sniper stalking rural
15. Counter sniper urban stalking
16. High value target protection – counter sniper matrix
17. Counter sniper (fortified ops) – snipers in defence (conventional operations)
18. Sniper fire plans
19. Live fire – counter sniper (elementary application of fire)
20. Live fire – counter sniper (advance application of fire)
21. Live fire – counter sniper (panoramic shoot)
22. Counter sniper – range card/field sketch/target indexing
23. Route threat assessments – covering msrs & report construction
24. Counter sniper stand-off ambush
25. Specialist recognition methods & techniques – small arms, vehicles & air assets
26. The technical surveillance matrix in support of the sniper screen
27. Sniper hides – urban domestic & disrupted environments
28. Target selection &combat target profiling
29. The hostile environment – counter sniper threat assessment – urban areas
30. Stalking – sniper team on sniper team
31. Reaction to & location of sniper firepositions
32. Observation ttps – observer vs sniper
33. Terminal ballistics & ballistic wounds
34. Introduction to combat tracking & counter tracking techniques
35. The planning and conduct of a counter sniper surveillance matrix (ttps)
36. Sniper co-ordination systems

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