Sniper instructors course

Course training statement: “To train qualified snipers (officers & soldiers) how to plan, prepare & conduct sniper training including sniper field-craft, live fire sniper ranges & tactical exercises”


Course description: “The course provides the students with the skills & information required to conduct effective sniper training. The student learns how to thouroughly plan and prepare his training and the methods required to ensure his training delivery is specific, measurable & achievable”. The candidate is taught sniper programming, construction of field-craft & range letters and how to ensure his training is tactically orientated and mission focussed. This course includes conduct of sniper field exercises and sniper live fire ranges”


Course title: Sniper instructors course
Qualification: Sniper instructor
Course duration: 8 weeks
Teaching periods per day: 8
Length of teaching period: 40 minutes
Practical field exercises: Yes


Course entry standards


Rank: Qualified basic sniper (officers & soldiers)
Basic fitness test: 3.2 klm run
Endurance march: 16 klms with 15kg + weapon & fluids
Medical: Fit to attend arduous training

Block syllabus


  1.  Qualities of a good instructor
  2.  The sniper instructor
  3.  Promoting and maintaining the desire to learn
  4.  Question technique and confirmation
  5.  Fault finding
  6.  Construction of a small arms lesson plan
  7.  Construction of a power-point lesson plan
  8.  Construction of range boards
  9.  Construction of syndicate range boxes
  10.  Delivery of a small arms weapons lesson – rifle lesson one (1)
  11.  Delivery of a small arms weapons lesson – rifle lesson two (2)
  12.  Delivery of a small arms weapons lesson – rifle lesson three (3)
  13.  Delivery of a small arms weapons lesson – rifle lesson four (4)
  14.  Delivery of a small arms weapons lesson – rifle lesson five (5)
  15.  Conducting rifle training tests
  16.  Delivery of the introduction to sniping – history
  17.  Student teaching periods small arms – lessons one to five (1-5)
  18.  Delivery of the introduction to the scope lesson
  19.  Delivery of the introduction to ballistics one – internal and external
  20.  Delivery of range estimation one – theory – test and conditions
  21.  Delivery of range estimation two – practical tewt outside area – use of mildot and appearance methods
  22.  Planning and conduct of a gallery range – construction of a range letter
  23.  Practical demonstration – grouping and zeroing – 100 metres
  24.  Delivery of how to maintain and record weapon cleaning and weapons fault reports
  25.  Delivery of introduction to observation, field sketching, logging and reporting
  26.  Conditions of the observation test
  27.  Observation one – why things are seen demonstration
  28.  Delivery of construction of a conventional sniper range card
  29.  Construction of a theory lesson plan
  30.  Student delivery – bore-sighting grouping & zeroing/slip scale – elementary application of fire
  31.  Student delivery power point lessons
  32.  Construction of a ghillie suit and camouflage of a weapon system
  33.  Delivery of different natures of munitions
  34.  Introduction into camouflage and concealment – why things are seen
  35.  Conduct and conditions of camouflage and concealment stands
  36.  Introduction to stalking
  37.  Delivery of stalk demonstration tewt
  38.  Conduct and conditions – the stalk
  39.  Construction of a field-craft letter
  40.  The defence systems approach to training
  41.  Training objectives and enabling objectives
  42.  Programming, internal and external validation
  43.  Training (scoping) needs and analysis study
  44.  Presentations and briefings
  45.  Practical student delivery – sniper field craft
  46.  Practical delivery – conduct elementary application of sniper fire (live fire ranges)
  47.  Practical delivery – conduct advance application of fire (live fire ranges)
  48.  How to delivery sniper tactics, techniques 7 procedures lessons; including
  49.  Introduction to patrols
  50.  Obstacle crossing
  51.  Tactical pauses and short halts
  52.  Troop link up and harbour
  53.  The rv system
  54.  Contact drills
  55.  Ambushing
  56.  Arid ops
  57.  Urban ops
  58.  The op demonstration
  59.  Delivery of specialist to role sniping (counter terrorism)
  60.  Delivery of sniper employment – all phases of war
  61.  Delivery of orders & sniper mission planning
  62.  How to evaluate snipers
  63.  Student report writing
  64.  Conduct of tactical exercises
  65.  Tactical commanders brief
  66.  Advising higher formation on sniper matters
  67.  Pre mission deploment preparation, roles & responsibilities

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