VIP Close Protection

SIA Level 3 Certificate for Working as a Close Protection Operative within the Private Security Industry



In order carry out Close Protection (Bodyguarding) Operations you require a Security Industry Authority (SIA) Licence. This course provides you with the qualification required to apply for your SIA Licence in Close Protection Operations.

The Close Protection Operators Course is designed to prepare you to work in the Private Security Industry as Close Protection Operator. On successful completion of the CHARTSECClose Protection Course, attendees will be awarded the Level 3 Certificate for working as a Close Protection Operative within the Private Security Industry. The Close Protection course qualification and a recognized medical coursequalification will allow personnel to apply for an SIA license.


The CHARTSEC Close Protection Course is accredited by an SIA approved awarding body for compliance (ABC) learners will be required to pass a written MCT exam and a practical assessment of knowledge in order to be awarded the ABC Level 3 Certificate for working as a Close Protection Operative within the Private Security Industry.


The course is structured so that the learners may also attend the preceding medical course to allow them to gain all the qualifications required for the SIA license.

CHARTSECoffer the HSE First Person on Scene intermediate course (FPOS-I) and qualification which is recognised by the SIA.


Close Protection Training – Course Duration 140 hours Normally Delivered over 14-Days


In order to obtain an SIA licence you will need to show that you are trained to the right level. This applies to front-line staff only. To get one of the qualifications linked to close protection licensing you will need to attend and take two training modules and take and pass an exam.


The course itself will consist of 140 guided learning hours (GLH) and combines the 15 core competency modules within its structured lessons. This is not inclusive of the required first Person on Scene (FPOS-I)


Entry requirements:


It is advised that the learners have a minimum of level 2 in literacy and numeracy or equivalent




Complete and pass; Multiple choice, written exam and a practical assessment.

Close Protection Specialist Module (140 hours)


UNIT 1: Working as a close protection operative
Credit: 7
GLH: 56
Level: 3


• Session 1: Understand the Roles and Responsibilities of the Close Protection Operative
 Session 2: Understand basic surveillance, anti-surveillance and counter surveillance techniques
• Session 3: Understand legislation relevant to a close protection operative
• Session 4: Understand the importance of interpersonal skills within the close protection environment
• Session 5: Understand the importance of reconnaissance within the close protection environment
• Session 6: Understand search procedures within the close protection environment
• Session 7: Be able to establish and maintain secure environments


UNIT 2: Planning, Preparing and supporting a close protection operative
Credit: 9
GLH: 76
Level: 3
• Session 1: Understand the importance of threat assessment, risk management and operational planning
• Session 2:Understand the importance of teamwork and operational briefing within the close protection environment
• Session 3:Understand close protection foot drills
• Session 4:Understand the importance of planning for route selection
• Session 5:Understand the importance of transport management within the close protection environment
• Session 6:Understand the importance of Incident Management within the close protection environment
 Session 7:Understand venue security operations
• Session 8:Be able to plan and prepare a close protection operation
 Session 9: Be able to provide close protection of a principal


Conflict Management Module
Consists of 8 guided learning hours (GLH) 7.5 contact hours (time spent with the tutor)
• Session 1: Avoiding Conflict and Reducing Personal Risk
 Session 2: Defusing Conflict
• Session 3: Resolving and Learning from Conflict
 Session 4a: Application of Communication Skills and Conflict Management for Security Guarding andClose Protection


First Aid Training:


When applying for your license you will be required to produce evidence that you have attained a recognised first aid award. You should present your valid first aid certificate to your trainingprovider before you start your training. If you do not have a recognised first aid award you will need to get one in order to get your license. This is in addition to the minimum 140 hours knowledge and practical skills training.


First aid awards recognised by the SIA are:
• First Person on Scene (FPOS) Intermediate Award – 30 hours (Pearson/IHCD).
• Level 3 Award in First Aid Response (HABC) or equivalent
• Level 3 Award in the First Person on Scene Intermediate (RQF)(AoFAQ).
• QA Level 3 Certificate in First Response Emergency Care (RQF) (Qualsafe Awards).


If you already have some other form of first aid training, you may wish to have it accredited as prior learning towards the FPOS qualification.


1. Course Introduction
2. Lesson: Roles & Responsibilities of the Executive Protection Officer
3. Lesson: Threat/risk Management Lesson
4. Lesson: Hostile Planning Cycle (Terrorist/criminal tactics)
5. Lesson: Security Advance Party (SAP)
6. Lesson: Route Selection & Security (Journey Management)
7. Assignment: Route Recce
8. Lesson: Communications Security
9. Lesson: Indicators of Eavesdropping
10. Lesson: Vehicle Search Awareness
11. Lesson: Accommodation Search
12. Lesson: Route recce report writing
13. Lesson: Route Recce, Team PowerPoint Presentation of their findings
14. Lesson: CP Driving & Principal briefing
15. Lesson: Body Protection drills (Walking formations Practical)
16. Lesson: Pickup & Drop Off (Embus/Debus drills)
17. Lesson: Venue Security Lesson
18. Assignment: Venue Recce Exercise issued
19. Lesson: Executive Protection officers Orders
20. Lesson; Office security
21. Lesson; Security Review reports
22. Assignment: Threat assessment Security Review Exercise issued
23. Lesson: The Surveillance Cycle
24. Lesson: Human description
25. Lesson: Dress and mannerisms

26. Lesson: Eavesdropping
27. Lesson: Surveillance communications Voice Procedure (VP)
28. CP Task 1 exercise Assignment
29. Lesson: Conflict Management
30. Physical intervention skills (Practical exercise)
31. Assignment: Surveillance Task (Practical exercise)
32. Assignment: Counter Surveillance Task (Practical exercise)
33. Assignment: CP Task (Practical exercise)
34. Assignment: CP Task FTX
35. Presentation/Discussion: Employment opportunities
36. Course Debrief

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