Cancellation Policy Information
Cancellation Policy Information
Change or Cancel a Booking
We have had to add this page to our website because of the large number of requests we receive to cancel or change bookings, often with little or no notice.
We are sorry that this is necessary but we are a small business with low prices available for everyone and we do not have the resources or financial flexibility to deal with this situation on a case by case basis.
We receive requests to change bookings on almost every public course we run (and often multiple requests on the same course) and unfortunately this can not be done without the required notice.
Moving a booking still leaves the original course with an empty place!
We have to have the same policy for all clients and all situations. Please do not repeatedly email or call about this. The policy is applied equally to everyone and it is often stressful (and occasionally unpleasant) for our staff to have to deal with these requests.
Our booking terms and conditions can be viewed on our invoices and First Aid For All : Payment, Cancellation and Refund Policy.