Basic Security – Personal Security at Home Part 1

Introduction: This guidance is designed for personnel individual’s subjected to a high threat level, but everyone should draw on it as necessary to suit their own particular circumstances. This guidance is designed to be read by the individuals concerned. The Key to Successful Protection: The most important thing to remember is always to be on […]

Basic Security – Travel Tips Part 4

At host office: Inform your host of your accommodation and travel itinerary as well as daily arrival times, in person rather than on the telephone. Avoid discussing arrangements with other employees. Do not leave personal or business documents unattended in offices. At host airport: Before leaving for the airport, check that the flight is on […]

Basic Security – Travel Tips Part 3

At the hotel: When registering, do not give a home address or an exact job title or position within the company. Avoid ground floor rooms or those to which access is easily gained from outside. Keep luggage in sight at all times when checking in. Place all valuables in the hotel safe deposit box as […]

Basic Security – Travel Tips Part 2

Travelling by road: Avoid taking a taxi off the street and order taxis at the last possible minute through the hotel staff. Vary any regular routes used, avoid back streets and deprived areas. Arrivals and departures at locations should be at irregular times. Be alert to all things happening around you – particularly to following […]

Basic Security – Travel Tips Part 1

Planning a trip: Check any visa requirements, medical precautions and prohibited items. Ensure that an office colleague has a copy of your itinerary and contact details, and keep the office informed of any changes. Ensure that the itinerary is treated in confidence, inside and outside the office. Take photocopies of passports, visas, and tickets, and […]