Personal Security In Vehicles – Part 4

On the move: Ensure that windows are fully closed when the vehicle is parked and opened only enough for ventilation when you are driving Always drive with your car doors locked Look forward along the row of vehicles parked in the street for anything of a suspicious nature and through the driving mirror for following […]
Security Measures for Drivers – Part 1

The Threat: The driver, the vehicle and passengers, are susceptible to a variety of potential attacks particularly when the passengers are High Risk. The threat will vary with time and place. It is up to each driver to ensure that he/she knows and understands what is required. Types of Attack: The determined assailant is extremely […]
Personal Security In Vehicles – Part 3

Countermeasures to the under vehicle IED (UVIED) threat Know your vehicle thoroughly, when searching for an IED you must know what should be attached, inside or underneath. Keep your vehicle in good condition and regularly serviced. Never leave your vehicle unlocked. Remember to secure all the doors, sunroof, bonnet, and boot. Use the alarm or […]
Personal Security In Vehicles – Part 2

Searching: Searching should be conducted routinely. You should exercise your judgment as to whether you should carry out a search of your vehicle if it has been left in other areas. Care should be taken to ensure that the vehicle is not moved while conducting a vehicle search. Searching should be conducted by: First looking […]
Personal Security In Vehicles – Part 1

General The following guidance is intended to offer general advice to personnel when moving by vehicles. Personnel should adopt measures as appropriate to their circumstances and the assessed level of threat. Normal Journey Management procedures should apply and never make a journey or keep an appointment without informing family or colleagues of the following: Person […]
Basic Security – Dealing With Bomb Threats Part 2

What to do if a bomb is suspected or found: Nobody should touch or move a suspected IED. The person finding a suspected device should alert the local security services and JBC management/Security dept/ HSE/ base coordinator. They in turn will support the situation accordingly. If within your residence or at work, all personnel should […]
Basic Security – Dealing With Bomb Threats Part 1

About explosive devices: Explosive devices may be manufactured military munitions, such as hand grenades, or may be devices that are homemade by terrorists or criminals. The latter are commonly known as Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs). IEDs may be small enough to fit into an audiocassette box or may be very large, with many kilograms of […]
Basic Security – Personal Security at Home Part 4

Personal Security of Children: Ensure that children’s rooms are not readily accessible from outside the house. Instruct children never to admit strangers to the house. As soon as they are able to learn, teach them when and how to alert police or neighbours. Instruct children attending school always to: Travel in groups or at least […]
Basic Security – Personal Security at Home Part 3
Visitors, House Staff and Tradesmen: All visitors should be positively identified before being allowed to enter, in particular: Arrange fixed times for workmen to call. Check their identity and never leave them alone in the house. If they are unexpected, call their works office. Friends and relatives should be asked to inform you of intended […]
Basic Security – Personal Security at Home Part 2

Doors and Windows: Secure locks and good key control are essential security aids. Cheap locks are easily picked, and secure locks are only effective if the keys to them are properly protected as follows: Keep a strict check on your house keys. Do not allow duplicate keys to be made without your permission. If a […]